
I'm a software engineer with a passion for building high-quality software. I've been working in the industry for over 15 years, and I've been involved in a wide range of projects, from small websites to large enterprise applications.

I'm currently a Principal Engineer at StudentFinance.

I've also been involved in open-source since my early days as a developer. I've contributed to a few projects and I've also created a few of my own.

In 2011, I've created an accidentally viral website about cats and HTTP Status codes: http.cat.


Being a proud father occupies many hours of my day, yet I also have hobbies that are a big part of who I am and love to share about. Therefore, I've dedicated a section here to each one of them.


Me Surfing

If you're wondering, I'm the guy in the picture, surfing in the beautiful beaches of Portugal. I love to surf even though I don't do it that often these days.


Another passion of mine is music. I listen to a wide variety of genres, but my deepest enthusiasm lies in Heavy Metal, especially its most intense form, Black Metal. I frequently immerse myself in exploring its origins and history, as well as collecting vinyl records.

I also love to play instruments. I play the guitar since I was 12 years old. Along the way, I also learned to play the drums and bass guitar decently, and a bit of piano. Recently, I've become very interested in music production. I've setup a modest home studio where I'm learning to record and produce my own music.


I like reading a lot. I'm usually reading non-fiction books about all kinds of subjects, from history, science, philosophy to music, art and technology. This hobby is like a super power that allows me to learn and have a much more informed perspective on how the world and society works.

This website

This website is built with Zola, a static site generator written in Rust. The theme is based on Apollo.